Saturday, April 7, 2012

Graviere de la Traque : Mark Shirley team fishing from 31/03/12

70 fish 
3 x 50's up to 56lb12
24 x 40's up to 49lb mostly high forties,
28 x 30's up to 39lb8,
15 x 20's
"Fantastic week as always!!!"

Lee Catrledge and his son Linford Cartledge

Lee Cartledge : 45lb

Linford Cartledge : 56lb12 mirror

Linford Cartledge : 56lb12 mirror

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing. Were booked for August.Any ifo you can give would be a major advantage. Bait, swims etc? Its my 1st France trip. thanks mate
